Experience the Future of Racing with Cutting-Edge Autonomous Technology
The Autonomous Karting Series showcases the latest innovations in autonomous technology, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in go kart racing. Teams of college students compete to develop the most advanced self-driving go karts, demonstrating their skills and creativity.
Innovative and Intelligent Self-Driving Go Karts
Cutting-Edge Technology at the Forefront of Racing Innovation
Advancements in Autonomous Racing Technology
Top 3 Fastest in race
Engineering Award


What is the eligibility?

To be eligible to participate in the Autonomous Karting Series, teams must be affiliated with a college or university and primarily student oriented. Each team may have a faculty advisor or industry mentor.

When is the registration deadline?

The registration deadline for each competition in the Autonomous Karting Series will be posted on the Schedule page. If you have a more specific inquiry please reach out to events@autonomouskartingseries.com.

What are the requirements for participating teams?

Teams must adhere to the requirements listed in the AKS rules as well as any competition specific rules which will be listed on that event's page.

Can international teams participate?

Yes, international teams are welcome to participate in the Autonomous Karting Series.

Still have questions?

Contact us for further assistance.

Contact Us

Our team

Andrew Goeden
Founder & Director
Jeremiah DeLaRosa
Marketing director
Danny White
Midwest Regional Support & Safety Advisor

We're hiring!

We are looking to grow and build a team full of talented and passionate people

Open Roles